Latest in: Storyfinding
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6 Essential Organization Stories You Need To Tell

You believe you need to tell your organization's stories, but you’re unsure where to start or which specific stories to tell. Effective storytelling means telling the right story at the right time. This article …
4 min read
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Why Your Fundraising Video Lacks An Emotional Punch

Many environmental organizations face the challenge of creating compelling stories that truly resonate and drive fundraising success. If you're anything like our clients before working with us, you're probably frustrated that your fundraising videos …
5 min read
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Must-Use Climate Storytelling Technique for Your Video Success

One of the biggest storytelling mistakes you can make is putting the wrong person on camera. To avoid this mistake, the following climate storytelling technique will help you find people with a strong desire, …
4 min read
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How to Create Engaging Video Stories That Resonate

Have you ever felt bored out of your mind watching a video? Or sat through a draining presentation with 100 words per slide? In both cases, an engaging story would have kept you interested. …
6 min read


We’re a film and video production company for environmental organizations. We craft emotive stories that elevate empathy, build community, and drive funding.

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