Environmental Storytelling to Address Climate Change

3 min read
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We've saved you time by bringing the key points from several insightful articles on environmental storytelling. Enjoy these takeaways and incorporate them into your own brand storytelling.

5 Approaches to Better Environmental Storytelling | Planet Forward

The first article talks about how our environmental memory is only 2-8 years, meaning that many people tend only to consider climate changes that have happened recently. As storytellers, it's our job to help people think beyond their immediate experience and understand the bigger picture of our Earth's health.

One way to do this is to connect with local leaders who are leading the charge in protecting our environment through lawmaking. They can offer interesting wisdom on our societies' climate issues and give us a sense of direction and action.

Another key takeaway from this article is climate change's impact on children. Sharing their stories and experiences can be a powerful way to engage audiences and inspire action.

Storytellers Can Save the Planet | World Economic Forum

The second article I read discusses the power of storytelling in the environmental movement. One thing that struck me was what it would take for humans to have an "all in it together mentality" towards environmental change, similar to what we saw during the COVID pandemic.

This article also underlines the value of crafting inspiring stories of everyday people who take extra steps toward environmental stewardship. As storytellers, we must share these stories and inspire others to act.

How the Environmental Movement Can Harness the Power of Storytelling | The Outdoor Journal

Finally, this article discusses the different approaches that environmental professionals can take to storytelling. For example, a Field Biologist might focus on sharing their personal experiences with nature, while a nature conservationist might highlight the unique features of a particular ecosystem.

I also learned that many scientists don't value communication and storytelling. When they do, they focus on sharing facts and keeping their journeys hidden.


Overall, these articles remind us of the importance of storytelling in the environmental movement. By connecting with local leaders, sharing the stories of children and everyday people, and finding our unique storytelling approach, we can make a real difference in the fight for a healthier planet.

I hope you found these takeaways helpful and inspiring, and I look forward to hearing how you incorporate storytelling into your nonprofit communications.

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[…] There’s a huge opportunity for episodic content for environmental storytelling. Shows like Planet Earth III reached 10.6 millions views. Clearly people are interesting in emotive storytelling about our planet and climate change. […]

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We’re a film and video production company for environmental organizations. We craft emotive stories that elevate empathy, build community, and drive funding.

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