Tailoring your call to action (CTA) according to your relationship stage with your audience can significantly boost its effectiveness. In a previous article on How to Get People to Take Action, we discussed why an effective CTA guides your audience's next steps. In this article, let's focus on specific call to action examples for your donor/customer journey.
Table of contents
Stage 1: Introduction / Awareness
At this stage, the audience is just getting to know your organization. The focus is on low-commitment activities that build awareness and interest. Social media has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing [HubSpot].
Follow Us on _______ {name the platform)
A simple but effective way to continue the relationship.
Read Our Blog
Educate them on issues related to your cause. Companies with blogs generate 67% more leads [HubSpot].
Subscribe to Our Newsletter
Keep them informed with updates and opportunities—nonprofit open rates average 25.17% [Mixpanel].
Stage 2: Engagement / Education
Here, your audience is more familiar with you and is open to learning more about your cause. The Call-to-Action examples here deepen engagement.
Watch Our Latest Video
A compelling video can deepen understanding and elicit emotional responses. Videos improve user understanding of a product or service by 74% [HubSpot].
Take Our Quiz
Interactive and educational, a quiz can offer personalized recommendations for how the participant can get involved. Quizzes can significantly improve engagement rates, with some seeing up to 64% completion [Mixpanel].
Attend Our Webinar
This option offers a deeper dive into an issue, providing education and interaction. Webinars can result in conversion rates of up to 19% [HubSpot].
Stage 3: Evaluation / Trust-Building
By now, the audience trusts you enough to consider taking more meaningful action.
Download Our Free Guide
Offer valuable, actionable information in exchange for contact details. When well-executed, free guides can achieve conversion rates of over 20% [HubSpot].
Join Our Online Community
A space for like-minded individuals to discuss, share, and motivate. Communities foster retention, with 69% of companies seeing an increase in customer retention rates [Mixpanel].
Volunteer for a One-Time Event
This requires a lower commitment than regular volunteering but tangibly involves them. Event marketing usually generates a 25%–30% conversion rate [HubSpot].
Stage 4: Commitment / Action
The audience is ready to make a more substantial commitment. The call to action examples are geared towards non-profits. However, you can swap them for CTAs that move your audience towards the sales process.
Donate Now
You've earned their trust to ask, so make it easy and straightforward. For nonprofits, donation pages with three or fewer fields have an average conversion rate of 11% [HubSpot].
Become a Monthly Donor
Introduce a subscription model of support to elevate their commitment. Monthly donors give 42% more in one year than one-time donors [HubSpot].
Sign Our Petition
This is a significant but non-monetary way to effect change. Depending on the cause and audience, online petitions can have conversion rates ranging from 3% to 12% [Mixpanel].
Stage 5: Advocacy / Loyalty
They are committed and active. Now, it's time to turn them into advocates.
Share Your Story
Encourage them to share their experiences to inspire others. User-generated content is 20% more influential on purchase decisions than any other type of media [HubSpot].
Refer a Friend
Leverage their network to expand your own. Referral marketing generates 3–5x higher conversion rates than other channels [Mixpanel].
Become a Volunteer Leader
Offer a path for them to take on more responsibility and ownership.
Conclusion On Call to Action examples
The idea is to guide your audience through these stages, making it easy for them to take the next step at each point. Tailoring your CTAs according to these stages can help you create a more engaged and committed community.
So, these donor/customer journey call to action examples should be a key part of your content strategy.
Download Our Free Storytelling Guide to Connect With Your Audience Deeply.
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- https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/190333/Resource_Guides/recurring-giving/guide-to-recurring-giving.pdf
- https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/320257/Webinar Slide Decks/NextAfter Recurring Donor Webinar - Slide Deck.pdf
- https://mixpanel.com/blog/optimizing-call-to-action/
- https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/personalized-calls-to-action-convert-better-data
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